Trying Once Again!

We have had a crazy year! I started a new business and I’m loving it! I sometimes get discouraged, but all in all I do love my business! I am now a Senior Consultant with Thirty-One Gifts. I started it mainly because I love the bags, but there is so much more to it! I love the sisterhood that goes along with it also. I’ve made some great friends through Thirty-One, not just locally but all of the U.S.

We are still homeschooling, but I am not tutoring anyone. Abby and I both felt we didn’t need to do that distraction. Plus on Mondays, she had classes all day. She is taking an art class, a writing class and will start going to Jr. Civitan’s soon. As a family, we are not traveling as much, but that was another reason for me not to tutor.

Abby has had some health problems in the past year and she just had two surgical procedures don’t last month. She is recovering well though.

I am going to really try and post regularly. I will post a schedule tomorrow to let you know what I’ll be posting about each day. I hope you will come back!

New things in my life.

I haven’t blogged in a long time, but I’ve decided to start again.  I lot of things have changed in my life, some good and some I’m not too happy about.  The biggest change is that I am no longer homeschooling.  We decided to allow Abby to go to school this year.  She began in the public school here in our community.  She tested really well, in fact she tested into high school, but we decided she needed to stay in the 8th grade to give her some time to adjust.  Well after just a month and a half, she wasn’t doing well at all.  Almost every grade I saw her bring home was failing. So my husband and I decided to pull her and put her into the Christian school.  The day we pulled her out of the public school she received her progress report.  She was actually not failing any classes except the computer class.  I don’t understand the grading system at all.  But we decided to go with our plan and she is now at the Christian school here in town.  I can honestly say as a former math teacher, the common core makes no sense at all!!

Another change is that I have started my own business, actually two.  I am tutoring here at my home two days a week.  I have one student that comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays all day.  She is a homeschooler and I am helping to direct her schooling.  I will post on “The Servant’s Heart” page what we are doing for her homeschooling.  I also have two public school children that come on those days as well after school.  For the most part I help them with math.  They are both very bright young people, but the common core is just not clicking with them.  I have to be honest, it isn’t clicking with me either.  My plan to help them is to teach the math as I have always taught it and help them use that to check their work and to make sure they have the right answer.  On their tests they have both admitted that as long as they have the right answer its ok.  I’m hoping this will help them.

My other business is I am now a Thirty-One Gifts consultant.  I love it and I love the products.  I had some of the bags before I joined, but now I have so many beautiful bags! My website is:  Go check it out.  You can view a catalog and shop right there on the website.  I am hoping that this business will be a help to our family budget.

Well that’s the biggest changes in my life so far.  I am also going to post later today what I am planning on doing as an experiment to try and lose weight and improve my health.  So check back later.



March AND April Monthly activities

TSH Homeschool

I am just so far behind!! So today I’m going to post both March and April activities, so I’ll be ahead for a change.

March Activities

March 2 – Dr. Seuss’ birthday
March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day
March 20, 2014 – Spring begins

Study Dr. Seuss’ life
Read Dr. Seuss books – especially “Hurrah for Diffendoffer Day”, Dr. Seuss’ last book.
Eat green eggs and ham

truffula tree craft 4
Make Truffula Trees pencils – The Country Chic Cottage has over 40 crafts to celebrate Dr. Seuss.

Study the life of St. Patrick and Ireland
Sing “When Irish Eyes are Smiling” or listen to it.

Make a Luck of the Irish mobile

Make Rainbow Pudding Treats – Recipe

Mom It Forward has 16 St. Patrick’s Day crafts

**Make toothpick and tissue paper mini-kites for the Season’s Tree.

Make a sled kite.

Make wind chimes. Remember March is the windy month.

March 1st –…

View original post 379 more words

Menu Monday


Monday – Chicken Salad, chips

Tuesday – Chili and Cornbread

Wednesday – Supper at church

Thursday – Beans & Sausage (in crockpot) and Cornbread

Friday – Lasagna, cut green beans and Mayo rolls

Saturday – Grilled Chicken Sandwiches and FF

Sunday – Taco Soup (in crockpot)

New recipe added

I’ve added a new recipe to my recipe page. I’ve been asked for a while to post my cornbread recipe, so I did.

Menu Monday (a day late)

Here is our menus for the week of Feb. 10th – Feb. 16th

Monday – Pork Loin in gravy, mashed potatoes, peas

Tuesday – Spaghetti

Wednesday – eat at church

Thursday – BBQ Chicken, rice, and green beans

Friday – Tacos

Saturday – Grilled chicken sandwiches

Sunday – Taco Soup in crockpot

My new life.

I’m starting a new life! I know that sounds drastic, but it’s true. I’m determined to lose weight and to get healthy. I’m tired of taking multiple (4) shots a day and not being able to move without hurting. SO I’m doing something about it. Here is my plan:

I’m exercising. I’ve committed myself to do this for a year and I’ve signed up at “Give it 100”, but I’ve changed it to 365 days. I’m doing some kind of exercise everyday. Some days are very active and some days are a little less, but I’m doing something everyday.

I’ve also decided to do some “little” things to help me along. I’m taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I’m parking at the far end of parking lots and walking. I know these seem like silly things, but it’s getting me moving more.

I’ve started dieting. I’ve been off sugar and dairy products for a while, but now I’m also eliminating wheat from my diet as well. I’m practically going gluten free. I’m also counting carbs. The plan set forth by my nutritionist is 45 grams per meal and 15 grams for snacks.

I’m writing this post to help me be accountable. I’ll try and update on my progress every week. You can also follow me on Give it 100

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I’d also covet your prayers.


Give it 100 Challenge

Ok guys, I’ve accepted a challenge from a friend. The challenge is to do “something” for 100 days and to make a video everyday to keep accountability. So my commitment is to lose weight and exercise for 100 days. I’m going to make my video to tell what exercise I’ve done that day. You can follow me here: Give it 100

I’d like to extend the challenge. So if you would like to take the challenge let me know by commenting so I can follow you.

God Bless you.

52 Week $ Challenge

I saw this challenge on another blog and thought “I could do that!” So I’m going to attempt it. I found the challenge and the printables on 52 Week $ Challenge at Life as You Live It.

There is also a children’s version that uses quarters.


The way it works is every week you add money to your jar. The first week is $1, the second week is $2, the third is $3, the 4th is $4, and so on. The last week, week 52 you add $52. You will then have a little over $1,300. Who couldn’t use that at the end of the year? So who’s with me??

Until next time!

Great webpost!

I just read a really good web post about why one family homeschools their children. I thought it was good enough to pass along. Hope you enjoy.







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